Spirit Evocation Parchment Poster

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Spirit Evocation Parchment Poster
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The Spirit Evocation poster provides you with the means to evoke the nature of Spirit, or the life force within all things, which some traditions view as the fifth element. Using the poetic words of Travis Bowman and the beautiful artwork of Eliot Alexander to guide you, the Air Evocation poster is a great resource for helping to take control over and manifest that which resides within you. Here and Now, I reach deep within my self. Here and Now, I evoke Spirit. I call on the force connecting me To the whole of existence, The thread running back through my blood, And the ripples spreading out from my actions. I call on the visions that have inspired me, The kindness that has lifted me, And the love I have given and received. Life and Song Home and Road Spirit, I call thee hence Coming on an 8 1/2" by 11" parchment poster, the words can readily be stored away and brought forth when you need to read them.

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