A free 53 week wicca e-course is available through us due to the generosity of Lady Snowflake - an "Old School" teacher based in Australia.
Ideal for both newbies or those looking for a refresher / focus for the week.
Over 6500 students have now participated - here's what some of them had to say . . . .
Absolutely wonderful, I enjoyed every bit of it. Some weeks had such useful information I had to print it out and put it into a display book for easy daily reference. The information was sound and a great start for those that don't know where to begin learning about wicca. I have been practicing for years and I still learned stuff I didn't know with this course. Thanks for such wonderful material and I look forward to what you will come up with next
I really enjoyed it. The information and step by step was very simple and easy to follow. Wealth of information.
Very good and comprehensive, easy to use. Excellent!
Very organised and easy to understand. Extremely helpful
Very interesting and informative. A wonderful guide to living a wiccan life
There has definitely been a lot of time and effort put into this course.
It is a thought-provoking informative resource. Thanks for providing it free of charge. I found it a valuable use of my time and I have incorporated some of the suggestions into my current practice
It was great, a lot to take in. I still go back and forwards on it and lm making my own book of shadow kinda information book.I find that reading and writing l remember more.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course, thank you so much Margaret and Lady Snowflake and everyone at Uncle Fester's. I loved it and learnt so much. Very informative and yet practical too.
I appreciate the hard work that has gone into creating this and feel truly blessed that you have shared this information, week after week, to so many.
This is an amazingly comprehensive course. It is undoubtedly a wonderful foundation for any beginner, and a good primer for lapsed wiccans wanting to reacquaint themselves with their wiccan roots/learnings.
Love it. You could spend a lot of money browsing and buying books that really aren't the right thing. I tend to get 'something' out of each book that I have. With the course it is easy to read and follow. Not overwhelming all at once..

Wicca Course - Curriculum - with one lesson is emailed out each week - starting the day after you sign up
Lesson 1 What is Wicca?
Lesson 2 Ethics and Morality / Dedication Rite
Lesson 3 Protection and Self Defence
Lesson 4 Magick and Karma
Lesson 5 Positive Thinking
Lesson 6 Know Thyself
Lesson 7 Gods and Goddesses
Lesson 8 First Basics of Magick
Lesson 9 Moon Phases and the Goddess
Lesson 10 Full Moon Esbats
Lesson 11 Dark Moon Goddess
Lesson 12 Solar Wheel of the Year
Lesson 13 Planning and Designing Ritual
Lesson 14 Tools of the Craft / Altar Dedication
Lesson 15 Grounding and Centering
Lesson 16 Sacred Space
Lesson 17 Summoning the Elements
Lesson 18 Calling on the Gods
Lesson 19 Drawing Down the Moon
Lesson 20 Rite of Passage Rituals
Lesson 21 Ritual Workings & Correspondences
Lesson 22 Spellcasting Basics
Lesson 23 Herbal Magick
Lesson 24 Smudging and Healing
Lesson 25 Incense Magick
Lesson 26 Magick with Essential Oils
Lesson 27 Crystal Magick
Lesson 28 Chakra Healing
Lesson 29 Bathing Rituals
Lesson 30 Symbols and Correspondences
Lesson 31 Kitchen Witchery
Lesson 32 HandCrafts
Lesson 33 Candle Magick
Lesson 34 Magickal Writing
Lesson 35 Magickal Timings
Lesson 36 Divination magick
Lesson 37 More Spell Ideas
Lesson 38 Raising and Grounding Energy
Lesson 39 Ritual Farewells and Closings
Lesson 40 Honour and Responsibility
Lesson 41 When to Act and when Not To
Lesson 42 Notes on Effective Ritual
Lesson 43 Know Yourself
Lesson 44 Choosing a Path
Lesson 45 Degrees of Magick
There are also 8 special lessons for each Sabbat delivered about week before each event
Note too we have developed special Student Surprise Packs full of supplies, information cards and other goodies that tie into the course content. These are entirely optional but "Doing is more fun than just reading". Find out more here. .