Book - Gardening for Mind, Body and Soul

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Book - Gardening for Mind, Body and Soul
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Discover the joys and health-giving benefits of nurturing a garden

We have long been aware of the positive effects of spending time in nature and how it can be a powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life. Science now tells us that cultivating a green space of our own can be restorative and even transformative for our physical and mental well-being, with a proven ability to reduce depression and anxiety, boost our happiness levels and provide a feeling of balance and calm.

Gardening for Mind, Body and Soul will help you:

* Discover which plants to grow for scent that can be both uplifting and soothing.
* Find out what to plant to reduce local air pollution.
* Learn about birdsong and how it can boost happiness and creativity.
* Experience the wonders of growing plants from seeds, and how it teaches us to slow down and appreciate the simple things.



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