Cuff Bracelet Coffin Shape

Now: $15.00
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Cuff Bracelet Crystal Coffin
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Silver Cuff Bracelet featuring a 3cm coffin shaped crystal with wire work.

current crystal selection : 

Amethyst - Spirituality, Intuition, Contentment
Black Obsidian - Protection, Clearing, Life
Clear Quartz - Purify, Energize, Balance
Fluorite - Wisdom, Concentration, Connection to Higher Self
Green Aventurine - Joy, Happiness, Positive Emotions
Lapis Lazuli - Spiritual Growth, Awareness, Creative Expression
Moonstone - Emotional Balance, Psychic Abilities
Rose Quartz - Love, Friendship, Romance, Family, 
Tiger Eye - Motivation, Positivity, Grounding, Calm Chaos
Unikite - Growth, Nature, Emotional Healing
White Howlite - Dreams, Soothing Stress, Children


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