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Green Tree Masala Incense Sticks are a smooth burning, 100% natural, hand-rolled incense stick made from exotic blends of herbs, gums, resins, woods and oils. They come in a pretty printed box, with some interesting and unique new age themes expressed here
By ordering by the box, you are effectively paying for 10 packets - and receiving a box of 12
New packs :
Angel Numbers
Call of the Shaman
Chi Force
Mudra Meditation
Choose From :
7 Angels
7 Chakras
7 Chakra Sage Smudge
Agua Sagrados (Sacred Waters)
Angel Guide
Angel Healing
Angel Love
Angel of Cleansing
Angel of Light
Angel of Love
Angel of Power
​Angel Protection
Buddhist Tantra​ (Vajrayana)
​​Californian White Sage
​​Californian White Sage and Eucalyptus
​​Californian White Sage and Lavender
​​Californian White Sage and Dragon's Blood
Chakra Angel
​Chakra Lotus
Crystal Cleansing
Dream Angel
Divine Eye
​Divine Lama
​​Dragon Blood
Dream Spirit
​Flower of Life
Guardian Angel
Hand of Fatima
Happy Yoga
Mayan Prophecies
​Moon Goddess
Moon Phases
​Mother Earth
Oracle of Tarot
Palo Santo
Reiki Energy
​Sacred Purification
Seven Angels
Shambala Path
​Spiritual Yoga
Surya Namaskar
Tibetan Flowers
White Magick
​Yoga Tree