Pocket Oracle - Mystical Shaman

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Pocket Oracle - Mystical Shaman
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Witching Hour Oracle: Awaken Your Inner Magic (44 Gilded Cards and 112-Page Full-Color Guidebook) by by Lorriane Anderson (Author) and Olivia Bürki (Illustrator)

A pocket-sized, portable version of Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid, and Marcela Lobos' popular oracle deck in a keepsake tin, based on the wisdom and beauty of the shamanic world


One of Hay House's top-selling decks now comes pocket-sized! This compact, travel-sized edition of Mystical Shaman Oracle is packaged in a sleek tin box perfect for your on-the-go spiritual journey.

Created by three master teachers and healers, this oracle deck includes indigenous shamanic practices combined with divination tools.


The result is a deck like no other, featuring powerful beings, animals, and natural forces from cultures across the globe.


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