A Month of Crystals

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A Month of Crystals
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Marketed as Advent calendars that arrived just after Xmas these beauties dont deserve to be ignored for another year.  Think of them instead as a "Month of Crystal" education.  Pick the one each day for 24 days and focus on that stone for the day - learn more about it - carry it around to feel the energy - do a corresponding mini spell etc etc.  Then for the last week play around with different combos . . . . and use your imagination . . . . .

Stones include; amethyst, green aventurine, strawberry quartz, carnelian, dalmatian jasper, white howlite, red jasper, sodalite, hematite, rose quartz, yellow aventurine, clear quartz, labradorite, gold tiger's eye, blue turquenite, unakite, lemon quartz, rhodonite, black obsidian, dragon bloodstone, leopard skin jasper, gold sandstone, smokey quartz and amazonite.

Naturally the size, shape and colour of stones will vary as crystals are unique.


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