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Baphomet Incense Holder

Was: $60.00
Now: $42.00
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Baphomet Incense Holder
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Resting in the centre of a pentagram, the globe of the earth acts as Baphomet's seat. Sitting cross-legged on top of the world, Baphomet sits, symbolizing the sum total of the universe. The back of the burner is decorated in symbology with gold detailing, and is perfect for burning your favourite incense sticks. Worshipped by occultists from Jacques de Molay's Templars to Alistair Crowley, Baphomet has long been a symbol of free-thinking heresy and forbidden knowledge. Cast in the finest resin before being expertly hand-painted, this Baphomet's Essence Incense Burner is ideal for any gothic or horror lover.

size - 23.9cm


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