Book - Guide to Understanding Crystals

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Book - Guide to Understanding Crystals
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The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals covers everything you need to know about crystals and their unique healing properties.


A spiritual guide to using crystals for healing, meditating, boosting energy, improving mood, elevating your health, and much more. Transform your life and your mind with the appropriate crystal. Discover which crystal is right for you and harness its power as you become more balanced and centered. You'll learn the significance of each crystal's color and their relation to chakras, the best way to position them, and ideal crystal pairings.


With The Zenned Out Guide toUnderstanding Crystals, you'll deepen the connection between your mind, body, and spirit as you explore the earths energy through crystals. 


With Cassie Uhl's approachable steps and explanations to mystical tools and symbolism, readers can start using the information right away. Attractive graphics and posters/cards make these books must-have essentials for every seasoned spiritualist.



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