Cleansing Waters - 7 Chakras

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Cleansing Waters - 7 Chakras
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Elevate your spiritual journey and harmonize your energy centers with the 7 Chakras Cleansing Water.

Use to immerse yourself in the flow of balanced and aligned energies.

The 7 Chakras Cleansing Water is a sacred blend of water used to cleanse, balance, and harmonize your body's seven energy centers, fostering a sense of well-being and alignment.


Use this cleansing water in spiritual practices, meditation, or as a refreshing mist to cleanse and rejuvenate your aura and energy centers. Each spray is intended to clear blockages, restore balance, and create a harmonious flow of energy throughout your chakras.


Allow the 7 Chakras Cleansing Water to become an essential part of your spiritual practice, aiding in the alignment and balance of your body's energy centers.

7.5 oz bottle with flip top cap.

Can be added to a sprayer for the cleansing of a space.


How to Use 7 Chakras Cleansing Water

* Set Your Intention: Before using, set your intention for cleansing and balancing your chakras, envisioning a flow of vibrant and balanced energy.

*Spritz or Bathe: Use the 7 Chakras Cleansing Water as a mist, spraying it around your body or room for an instant energetic refreshment. Alternatively, add it to your bath for a soothing chakra balancing soak.

* Meditative Practice: During meditation or energy work, lightly mist the water around yourself to enhance the flow of energy through your chakras and promote alignment.

*Daily Aura Refresh: Spritz a small amount around your aura to cleanse and revitalize your energetic field, enhancing your overall sense of balance and well-being.




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