Harmonia Gem Sprays - varieties

Now: $10.00
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Harmonia Gem Spray - Guidance
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These sprays combine essential oils and genuine crystals in a Reiki based formula.

In combinations correlating to one of 10 different magickal purposes :

Current selection :

Clarity - Clear Quartz with Patchouli  - $13

Divine Connection - Rainbow Moonstone with Jasmine - $20

Grounding - Hematite and Sandalwood - $21

Guidance - Angelite with Frankincense - $10

Healing - Amethyst with Lavender - $13

Love - Emerald and Ginger - $13

Passion - Garnet with Ylang Ylang - $10

Prosperity - Citrine with Orange - $10

Protection - Black Tourmaline with Vetiver - $20

Universal Love - Rose Quartz with Rose - $20


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