Crystal Eggs - various

Now: $25.00
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Crystal Egg - mariyam jasper
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These egg shaped crystals are very tactile and can be held during meditation and healing sessions etc - they also make a nice display on your altar set on a display stand.

Choose from almost 30 different varieties - approx 5 x 6 cm - prices vary from $25 to $45 as listed below.

amethyst $25
apatite $40
black obsidian $25
blood stone $30
clear quartz $28
dalmation jasper $28
hematite $35
indigo gabbro $28
kambaba jasper $30
lepidolite $30
mahagony obsidian $25
mariyam jasper $25
nuummite $28
peach moonstone $25
prehnite $45
pyrite $35
rainbow moonstone $28
red jasper $25
rose quartz $30
serpentine $28
tiger eye $25
tree agate $25
turquinette $25
unakite $35
white agate $25
white howlite $30

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