Crystal Nugget Bracelet - various

Now: $15.00
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Crystal Nugget Bracelet - amethyst chevron
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Crystal Bracelets chunky nugget style - available in a big range of stones with prices that vary from $15 to $50 as listed below in alphabetical order :

amazonite $15
angelite $20
apatite $20
aquamarine $25
axinite / bronzite $20
chevron amethyst $15
clear quartz $15
dark amethyst $25
dragon bloodstone jasper $20
fossilized coral $20
garnet $20
green aventurine $15
hematite $15
jasper, brecciated $15
jet $25
labradorite $15
lava stone $15
light amethyst $25
mixed stone $15
mookaite $15
morganite $50
obsidian, black $15
obsidian, snowflake $15
ocean jasper $20
phantom quartz $20
pietersite $20
pink opal $25
pink opal $20
rhodonite $15
rhyolite $15
ruby zoisite $25
serpentine $20
shungite $35
sodalite $15
super 7 $20
tiger eye $15
tourmaline black $25
unakite $15

Bracelets are a nice way of wearing magickal jewellery - close to the skin on a pulse point.

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