Crystal Palm Stones - various

Now: $18.00
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Flat smooth stones such as these have been used as "palm stones" since ancient times. They are very tactile and often held during meditation and healing sessions etc

Choose from many different varieties - approx 5x7cm - prices vary from $18 to $80 as listed below.

african turquoise - $70
amazonite - $18
amethyst - $18
apatite - $24
aquamarine - $24
black obsidian - $18
black tourmaline - $18
blood stone - $18
bumblebee jasper - $70
cats eye - $25
clear quartz - $18
coral fossil - $80
crinoids fossil - $70
dendritic agate - $70
dendritic opal - $18
dolomite - $18
garnet - $18
green aventurine - $18
green calcite - $24
green fluorite - $22
green mica - $18
hessonite - $24
iodite - $30
kambaba jasper - $18
kammererite - $30
labradorite - $18
lapis lazuli - $24
larvakite brown - $18
larvakite grey - $18
lepidolite - $18
mangano calcite - $60
moonstone - $20
mookite - $24
moss agate - $18
multi fluorite - $24
petrified wood - $65
plum jasper - $80
prehnite - $30
pyrite - $18
red aventurine - $18
rose quartz - $20
ruby fuchsite - $28
scolosite - $30
serpentine - $18
sodalite - $20
smoky quartz - $18
strawberry quartz - $24
sunstone - $18
tiger eye - $18
tourmaline in quartz - $30
tree agate - $18
mixed - chakra stones - $18



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