Crystal Spheres 5cm - various

Now: $25.00
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Crystal Spheres - larvikite
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These are real "crystal" gemstone crystal balls

You have the choice of almost 30 different crystals in this size at prices that vary between $25 - $100; so could build up a nice collection.

Note $25 is the base price for several of the cheaper stones - the others are dearer as listed below 

I've also separated them out below into the elemental group they most relate to

Earth element = practical and material matters e.g. money and healing

bloodstone $35
green aventurine $30
moss agate $25
tiger eye $30
tree agate $25

Air element= wisdom, communication, learning, peace of mind

mariyam jasper $25
opalite $35
scolecite $30
smokey quartz $45
yellow aventurine $35
yellow serpentine $30

Fire element = inspiration, self development, growth

labradorite $30
lapis lazuli $65
red jasper $25
sunstone $40
turquosite $35

Water element = friends and family, emotional connections

amazonite $25
angelite $40
apatite $45
aquamarine $40
blue aragonite $30
blue nuummite $35
rose quartz $40
sodalite $40
strawberry quartz $45
white howlite $35

balanced energies = calm and wholeness, teamwork, protection, luck

black tourmaline $ 35
chakra mix $45
larvikite $25
shungite $45

mixed energies = playful, trying something different, co-operation

agate zama $30
amethest $35 - out of stock
dalmation jasper $30
dendrictic opal $40
kambaba jasper $35
kammererite $75
mookite $45
multi fluorite $65
rainbow moonstone $45
rhodochrosite (peruvian) $100
rhodonite $55
unakite $30

Each piece is approx 50 mm

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