Folkessence Incense Sticks - Fresh Start Pack

Now: $25.00
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Folkessence Incense Sticks - Fresh Start Pack
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Folkessence Incense Sticks - Fresh Start Pack

Radiate Love
Crescent Moon
Make Today Count
Choose Happy
Just Smile


These Incense sets come in a value pack of 6 different packs of 20 = 120 all together with a burn time of 45 minutes each (no black smoke) - with widely used aromatherapy ingredients that include a beautiful blend of woody and musky fragrances like lavender, palo santo & sandalwood, lemongrass, ocean salt, rose & geranium, and lotus.

Incense sticks are a handy way to indulge yourself in aromatherapy. Be it in the meditation room, office spaces or bed room burn to impart an aromatic scent and a sense of calm.

They come in a beautiful packaging that is vibrant and makes for an ideal gift option for all celebrations.

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