Folkessence Reed Diffuser - Healing Pack

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Folkessence Reed Diffuser - Healing Pack
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Folkessence Reed Diffusers - AM to PM Healing Pack

value pack of 3 different bottles:



These fragrances have enriching healing properties that take you to a mystical paradise. Heightens your olfactory senses and evokes emotions that can heal physical ailments and maintain an emotional balance. The scents chosen will bring you to a sense of wholeness.  The fragrance is long lasting and can last upto 40 to 45 days.

Insert the reed sticks inside the diffuser bottle (the more sticks the stronger the scent). Essential oil is gently diffused through natural rattan sticks. The natural oil diffuser releases a continuous scent into your homes. If the scent starts to fade then turn the reed sticks upside down.

This set comes in a beautiful packaging that is vibrant and makes for an ideal gift option for all celebrations.



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