Harmony Ball pendant - Seed of Life

Now: $40.00
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Harmony Ball pendant - Seed of Life
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A Harmony Ball is a chime pendant with a soft soothing tone, worn as a Necklace said to bring a sense of calm and harmony to the wearer.  They are popular in Bali as "pregnancy balls", and in Mexico where they are known as Angel Callers.

In Bali such necklaces are worn long during preganancy and the baby is said to become familiar with the noise, which can create a sense of comfort and calm during birth and breastfeeding etc when the necklace is now worn shorter.  Later the baby can play with the piece and it becomes a keepsake.

Made of brass these pendants are also cage lockets so could alternatively hold a little crystal, lava ball for absorbing oils, a piece of herb or other magickal charms. 

This one is the Seed of Life design and has a silver finish; it also features a rose quartz cabachon.



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