
Little Shadows Fairy - Adeline

Now: $85.00
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Little Shadows Fairy - Adeline
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From the darkly Gothic imaginations of Nemesis Now's fantastic in-house design team comes another member of the alternative Little Shadows Fairy range.

Her purple corset giving way to a flaring black and white ballerina skirt, this Gothic Fairy holds a bottle of poison in her left hand while holding her finger to her lips and gesturing for quiet, making you a confidant in her latest killing. Her wings extend behind her, black tinged with green, with her raven hair flowing down past her shoulders, she sports a turquoise bow with a skull in the centre, as well as a skull on her matching belt. 

Cast in the highest-quality resin before being carefully hand-painted, this figurine is a must-have for connoisseurs of dark Fantasy.

size 16.5cm

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