Reading Cards - Australian Wildflowers

Now: $35.00
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Reading Cards - Australian Wildflowers
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44 cards, plus a guidebook, provide guidance through native Australian Wildflower imagery and oracle teachings  


Written with easy to understand instructions on how to connect and work with this magical card set, these unique cards include information on Australian flowers and their healing and guidance powers.


Cheralyn Darcey's beautiful artwork features linocut with a water color paint finish.


The guidebook features unique flower spreads for readings and a special card-of-the-day instructional that will delight those that love beautiful oracle tools and traditional artwork.


In every card, on every page, in every word, in every picture the Australian wildflowers will speak to you—soul to soul. This card set is alive and its messages are clear, healing, joyful, and honest.


Wherever you are in this world, the medicine of the Australian wildflowers, their messages and songs and profound healing powers are now in your hands.



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