Sagrada Madre Yagra Incense sticks

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Sagrada Madre Yagra Incense sticks
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Premium Handmade Herbal Incense range by Sagrada Madre of Argentina

These ones feature Yagra. With the brilliance of the stars, natural Yagra incense of Hindu origin, has a strong smooth aroma with an inclination to citrus. Yagra is used to attract abundance, prosperity, wealth, and to open new paths in life.

Handmade with Yagra-yagra, natural carbon, natural binder and salt.

Each pack contains 8 sticks, 22cm long with a burn time of approximately 1 hour.


Choose from :

Yagra, Chamomile and Frankincense - Creativity and Abundance

Yagra, Orchid and Bay Leaf - Prosperous Destiny

Yagra, Rose and Vanilla - Love and Prosperity

Yagra, Violet and Lavender - Energetic Transmutation


Yagra Chamomile and Frankincense

The exquisite fragrance of Yagra grants access to the sacred codes of the cosmos, combined with the potent aroma of frankincense, it promotes intuitive mental clarity. Added to this is chamomile, which brings peace and purifies the soul. This powerful combination embodies energy, enthusiasm, and brings success and good fortune.



Yagra, Orchid and Bay Leaf 


 The powerful aroma of Yagra, combined with laurel, promotes gains, and when mixed with the fragrance of orchids, unlocks personal power and paves the way to success. This unique blend of scents promises a prosperous destiny.



Yagra, Rose and Vanilla 


The vibrant aroma of Yagra revitalizes the body, combined with the enchanting scent of rose petals, awakens desire and passion. Added to this seductive combination is the sweet and comforting fragrance of vanilla, which predisposes to pleasure and enhances intimate encounters.



Yagra, Violet and Lavender


The powerful aroma of Yagra dissolves negative energies, combined with the freshness of lavender, clears the mind, and the beautiful scent of violets enhances this combination to achieve complete astral cleansing.




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