Smudge Bombs

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Smudge Bombs
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Premium Handmade Resin based Incense range by Sagrada Madre of Argentina

Each pack contains 8 pieces based on Olibanum/Frankincense (for purification) using pine wood, natural binder, and salt

Each has a burn time of 5 to 10 minutes.




Choose from Frankincense and :


Chamomile - for serendipity

Cinnamon - to amplify the inner power of intuition

Lavender - for relieving stress and anxiety

Orange Peel - for calming the inner self

Palo Santo - increase the feeling of calmness and well-being

Rose - to create an aura of love and passion

Sandalwood - Sandalwood to relieve anxiety, nervous tension, exhaustion, and to create a peaceful environment

White Sage - for its' healing mystical power, spiritual protection, atmospheric cleansing and abundance.






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