Spell Wax Melts

Now: $3.00
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Spell Wax Melts
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These little soy melts, made from 100% pure soy wax and come in either a star or flower shape. They have been created for those who either can't burn candles or don't like to, or for those who simple prefer to use an oil burner with soy melts.

Each melt is coloured corresponding to their purpose and scented with pure 100% essential oil to match. They also contain a pinch or two of unique and special blends of Ritual & Spell Herbal Blends, which have been infused into the melted wax before moulding.

These Spell melts are charmed and blessed both during the making process as well as after they are unmoulded to fill them with the right intentions for their purpose specifically for the person who puts them into the oil burner.

Currently Available:

Prosperity (green)
Protection (black)
Love & Lust (pink / red)
Meditation (teal)
Divination (purple)
Success (orange)


Note the Melts are handmade and may not always as bright as pictured, some batches will have their colours toned down a bit others will be deeper in tone

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