Wishstone Key Charm

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Wishstone Key Charm - sodalite
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The Wishstone collection = Heart Charm to clip onto bags etc


choose from :

Amethyst - Stone of Peace
Peace, Tranquility and Relaxation.  Imbues a sense of Wisdom and Clarity

Aventurine - Stone of Fortune
Good Fortune and Luck.  Inspires Leadership and Authority

Black Onyx - Stone of Strength
Strength, Stamina and Perserverence.  Inspires Widsom and Decisiveness 

Clear Quartz - Stone of Health
Health, Harmony and Meditation.  Imbues a sense of Calmness and Clarity

Earth stone -Stone of Friendship
Friendship, Loyalty, Patience and Positivity.  Boosts Harmony and Relationships.

Moonstone - Stone of Balance
Balance, Calm and Femininity.  Harness the energy of the Moon to enhance Intuition and Wisdom

Honey Jade - The Stone of Happiness
Joy and Happiness.  Creates Serenity and Tranquility.

New Jade - The Stone of Good Luck.
Good Luck, Integridy and Determination.  Boosts Willpower and Enthusiasm.

Rhodonite - The Stone of Anti-Stress
Serentity and Peace of Mind.  Encouragess Forgiveness and Understanding.

Red jasper - Stone of Safe Travel
Saft Travel and Protection.  Encourages Responsibility and Strength.

Rose Quartz - Stone of Love
Love, Peace and Calm.  Inspires Imagination and the Written Word.

Sodalite - Stone of Confidence
Confidence and Self Esteem.  Links Logic and Intuition.

Tigers eye - Stone of Power
Power, Integrity and Determination.  Creates Passion and Courage.

Turquentine - Stone of Success
Success, Ambition and Action.  Encourages Patience and Strength.

White Howlite - Stone of Calm
Tranquility and Calmness.  Aids Memory.


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