
Goloka Incense Sticks - Archangel gift pack

Now: $20.00
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Goloka Incense Sticks - Archangel gift pack
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Any of the archangels can guide a human being in their spiritual evolution.

Heaven is very organized and all celestial beings have specific work to do.
Each one of these magnificent beings work for the many Rays of The Divine that exist, and each archangel has a specialty that they are dedicated to.  We can invoke them according to what we need.

Fragrances: | Michael - Sandalwood | Jophiel - Black Opium | Chamuel - White Rose | Gabriel - White Sage | Raphael - Arruda Rue | Uriel - Vanilla | Zadakiel - Lavender

100% Natural, no Chemicals dipping. Slow burning, up to 1 hour per stick approximately.

Each box contains 7 x 15g packets of incense 


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