
Goloka Incense Sticks - Archangels

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Goloka Incense Sticks - Archangel Gabriel
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Any of the archangels can guide a human being in their spiritual evolution.

Heaven is very organized and all celestial beings have specific work to do.
Each one of these magnificent beings work for the many Rays of The Divine that exist, and each archangel has a specialty that they are dedicated to.  We can invoke them according to what we need.
Fragrances: | Michael - Sandalwood |Gabriel - White Sage | Raphael - Arruda Rue | Uriel - Vanilla
100% Natural, no Chemicals dipping. Slow burning, up to 1 hour per stick approximately.

Each box contains 12 x 15g packets of incense 


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Archangel Gabriel  - the angelic messenger.
He serves on the white ray of purity and harmony. Ask him to help you improve your communication skills on all levels in your life. This includes at work or during your dreams. He encourages us to pay closer attention to people.
Archangel Michael - the captain of all the angels and archangels.
They serve on the Divine’s blue ray, the ray of protection. You can ask them for both physical and spiritual protection. This includes protection from accidents, crime, and psychic aggression.
Archangel Raphael - serves on the green ray of divine healing.
Ask him to heal your body, mind, soul, and spirit. He is also helpful when you need to have your physical needs met, such as food, clothing, and shelter.
Archangel Uriel - serves on the ray of wisdom.
This ray is yellow and gold. Next time you disagree, ask him for help creating a peaceful solution. Uriel can also help in decision-making and learning.

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