Magickal Designs

Witches Bells

Now: $20.00
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Witches Bells
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Witch Bells are usually hung on a door knob for Protection and Luck. There are many online for instance that say there should be three bells - and you should chant something like this three times as you place them :

“Guard our home,
bell on the door.
Let evil spirits
come no more,
and good fortune

However that all sounds a bit too Earth energy for me - (and I’d change the wording of Evil Spirits to Negative Energies). Our Witch Bells by contrast are much more Balanced in Energy. There is a pentagram for balance and protection. A heart for Water, Amethyst and Gold for Spirituality and Fire energies etc. Bells themselves are very Air energy and thus signify change and can help to clear and purify your space, as well as infuse it with positive and calm energy. These three bells also depict images of Kwan Yin, who is the Goddess of Compassion and a protector.

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