Goloka Natural Soaps

Now: $4.50
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Goloka Natural Soaps
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A harmonious blend of intention and nature's finest ingredients designed to balance, energize, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Goloka soaps are made from carefully selected organic ingredients sourced from nature, ensuring a safe and gentle cleansing experience without harmful chemicals. With a wide range of variants available, each with its own distinct blend of natural ingredients.

Enriched with the finest ingredients like glycerin, shea butter and aloe vera that delivers deep nourishment and hydration to your skin while cleansing gently. Indulge in the luxurious lather that gently cleanses then leaving your skin feeling soft, supple, and refreshed.


Choose from :

7 Chakras - to Energize & Balance

Aloe Vera - Relaxing & Refreshing

Jasmine - Energetic & Romantic

Lavender - Calming & Relieving

Lemongrass and Peppermint - Purifying & Toning

Patchouli - De-stress & Relaxing

Rose - Uplifting & Vigorating

Sandalwood - Holistic Bathing

White Sage - Cleansing & Positivity

75g bar 


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